Hanging wallpaper can be challenging, but with proper preparation and the right tools, you can do it yourself. Follow these step-by-step instructions for a successful project.
Tools and materials. Hanging wallpaper isn’t hard if you have the right tools. As well as your wallpaper, you’ll need:
wallpaper brush or roller
wallpaper smoother or squeegee
sharp utility knife
straight edge or ruler
measuring tape
wallpaper tray or bucket
ladder or step stool
drop cloth
Prep the surface: A successful project hinges on how well you prep the surface. Take the time to thoroughly clean the walls, fill any cracks or holes (remember to sand smooth!), and for best results, we recommend priming the walls with a wallpaper primer.
Lay out panel and apply adhesive: Our wallpaper is cut to length for your walls with an added 2" of bleed on top and bottom. With a drop cloth underneath, lay out your first panel face down on the floor and following the adhesive manufacturer's instructions, mix the wallpaper paste or adhesive in a wallpaper tray or bucket. Use a wallpaper brush or roller to apply the adhesive to the back of the wallpaper. Make sure to cover the edges and corners.
Hang it: Starting at the top of the wall, leave about 2" of overhang on your panel and ensure the vertical edge of your wallpaper is plumb using a plumb line or level. Smooth it onto the wall using a wallpaper smoother or squeegee. Be careful not to stretch or wrinkle the wallpaper as you work your way down the wall. Trim any excess wallpaper at the top and bottom using your utility knife and straight edge.
Pattern matching: If your wallpaper has a pattern, you’ll need to match the pattern as you hang each strip. The extra bleed on top and bottom should ensure that you are able to line up your pattern and trim off the excess as you go. Each panel will butt up against the last panel and should align perfectly.
And repeat: Now that you have the basic hanging process in hand, repeat it for each wallpaper strip. Remember to align the edges and match the pattern as you go.
Finishing touches: For a flawless finish, use your utility knife and straight edge to trim the wallpaper to the desired width. Use the wallpaper smoother or squeegee to smooth the edges down.
That’s a wrap! Once your wallpaper is up, wipe any excess adhesive from the wallpaper with a damp sponge or cloth. Clean any spills or drips on the floor or furniture.
That’s all there is to it! By following these instructions and going slowly, you’ll transform your space in no time. Good luck!